Exploring Art 6


Course Description

Students will explore~

  • Use the basic elements of Art and learn principles of design through interactive lessons
  • Review various art media and techniques specific to an Art style
  • Create works of Art with provided Art supplies and tools to express their individual understanding of a concept
  • Recognize and analyze nature, animals, people, places and objects while applying appropriate responses in a specific art vocabulary
  • Identify works of art with an understanding of their cultural and historical significance
  • Develop an informed critical and aesthetic response to visual art
  • Recognize and understand visual art in their surroundings

Here is what we’ve been working on so far this year. (Click on the images to enlarge and view as gallery style.)

Marking Period #1

Chapter 2: Let’s Visit Spain…

Lesson 2.4 Picasso Faces (Part 2)


  • Students learned about the artwork of Pablo Picasso.  They created an artwork of Abstract and/or Cubist Faces emulating Picasso’s style.
  • Check out our very own PABLO PICASSO FACES!


 Chapter 3: Onward to Italy!

Lesson 3.4- Pet Portraits (Part 2)

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  • Students drew one of the chosen animals from their previous lesson (Part 1), and incorporated it into a picture that resembles one of the famous paintings included in the lesson. They created a parody of a famous portrait. Students used correct proportion when drawing their animal. Then added color to make the drawing look more like the famous painting they chose.


Chapter 4: Public Art

Lesson 4.6- Creating Your PALCS Sculpture


  • Students created a model of a work of art that symbolizes the PALCS mission statement.  They learned about and experienced the steps involved in making decisions for a public artwork.

PALCS Mission Statement:

The PA Leadership Charter School’s purpose is to provide an academically challenging, knowledge-based curriculum, individually designed for each child’s needs. PALCS will combine the benefits of a classical basics oriented education with the latest Internet/computer technology and the best teaching and learning education practices. By studying the lives and works of the great leaders in history, PALCS students will develop multi-cultural perspectives and a global awareness. PALCS will prepare students to be informed, responsible citizens with a global mentality who will succeed through mentoring leadership.


Chapter 5: The Middle Ages

Lesson 5.2- Creating  a Middle Ages Illumination

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  • Our class learned about the art and culture of the Middle Ages. Students learned that during the Middle Ages in Europe, most artists were regarded as crafts-workers.
  • They learned about the Illuminated Manuscripts of the Middle Ages. Then they illuminated the first or last letter of their name by including designs, patterns, and symbols that represent who they are.

Chapter 6: The Renaissance

Lesson 6.4- One Point Perspective Lettering

Two Point DESIGN 1

  • The students learned about the key components needed to draw an image displaying one-point perspective.
  • The students demonstrated their understanding through their work.


Chapter 8: Inspirational Art

Lesson 8.4- Inspiration Art Project


  • Students created an artwork representing something that inspires them.
  • Students applied either a traditional or contemporary art medium.
  • They worked to demonstrate thoughtfulness in their composition and craftsmanship.


One thought on “Exploring Art 6

  1. Well done 6th grade! The colors and expression in these portraits are phenomenal! Malika I really like how the symbols in your portrait make it even more abstract and complex. Sincerely, Jeanne McCarthy K-6 Principal


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